Garage Door Repair Concord routinely services garage doors using the Liftmaster and Genie branded openers. This is a comprehensive service provision that is focused on ensuring that the respective qualities of the product lines are utilized to the optimum, thereby giving the property owner the convenience and security that they are looking for. We also help with general advice on things which the average consumer may not be too familiar with.
Liftmaster has come out with force, creating a series of innovations in their openers including the keyless entry programmed unit. Their attention to detail and use of modern technology has made this brand a real classic in the industry. Of course that does not preclude the original aspect of manual openers which perform basic functions but do them so well.
* Features: It has never been easier to connect and disconnect a Liftmaster opener thanks to the technological innovations. Moreover, the emergency handle at the end can be very useful when you are dealing with one of those situations that property owners have to handle from time to time. The multi-functional control is wonderful at keeping the door in check alongside super quiet performance.
* Functionality: The Liftmaster door can be released from both inside and outside which is convenient for winter. However, you have to ensure that you first disconnect the plug-in terminals otherwise the electronic opener may end up shocking you with current. The quick release model 1702LM is particularly good in this way.
Genie Openers
The long history that the brand has is one of the main reasons for the increasing usability of Genie garage door openers. Over the past few months there has been an issue with doors that do not completely close or lose power. The brand has thankfully addressed those issues using a modern circuit board. However, it is important to have a balanced door in order to reduce the risk of failure. This is a brand that is in tune with the needs and desires of property owners.
* Features: The opener comes with a reset limit which reduces the risk of failing to close properly. This has to be activated and checked every 3-4 months in order to work properly. In addition, the harness unit has to be replaced as soon as it seems to be having problems.
* Functionality: Not only has Genie been able to maintain its high standards when it comes to manual openers, they are coming up with interesting innovations in response to customer requirements. For example, the super-efficient electronic opener has been credited with incorporating light and touch-sensitive technology. Moreover, the brand has given a support package that covers a substantial part of the potential risks that anyone faces when they use a garage door opener.